Reading List

Friday, 2 July 2010

Take One

I said I'd let you know how Sunday's message reading went at my poet friend Valerie Jack's.

Well, it was a lot of fun. The stage was the roof of Val's houseboat! (No really, it was.) The sun did its bit. And everyone got merry on Pimm's, good chat and some cracking verse.

For my contribution I used 12 cards, reading each message twice - once as the sender and once as the recipient. So for 'Come home at once', I tried to give the sender a sense of urgency, and the recipient an air of confusion.

I suspect this was a touch ambitious given my acting skills, but it seemed to get across the ambiguity inherent in communicating through postcards.

Lots of new ideas after the performance. A teacher wanted to use some of the messages to help give a creative writing class. Another woman, thought it would make a good show for the Edinburgh fringe ("with a bit of practice" - duly noted!)


  1. I can see why you have been so busy!!!! How fun! I enjoyed your postcard, too--have a wonderful Fourth!

    Happy PFF!

  2. Wonderful! I think there is potential here. Happy PFF!

  3. Great idea - to act these postcards. If you make it to the Edinburgh fringe we all at PFF should come.

  4. Great idea. Wonderful way to use the postcards. We do something similar with works of art at the museum ...kid get to write a story, or tell a story based on what they see. Gets them thinking! Happy PFF!

  5. It would make an excellent fringe performance!

  6. It would be a great performance of intrigue and mystery. I wonder if "heaps of money" will be waiting for you too.

  7. Wish I had been there for your performance.

  8. Reading postcards publicly on a houseboat! What a quirky adventure! I would so love it once I was over initial nerves!

  9. Interesting! Also, what if YOU, guys and gals, create and write such postcard messages/poems/haikus?
    What if you read messages from
    What if you show your maximum cards, and comment on them as visual metaphors?
    Great potential for entertainment and intellectual stimulation.
