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Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

A spot of news

It's a video blog this week. Too much going on to type!

In the video I mention a new project 'In Between Postcards' where I'm sending a postcard a day from my mobile phone, and asking if this is the future of the postcard.

Here are further details of the project. Please let me know what you think. Have you sent a postcard via an app on a mobile yet? If so, how did you get on?

Finally, a pic of June's History Today. My article on Edwardian postcard culture will be inside. Really looking forward to seeing what people make of it.

The card on the front is of actor Lewis Waller. The HT editors chose it because it's such a good example of the 'undivided back': the message is scribbled in the margin around the picture of Waller, as the other side had to be kept free for the address. Although, I'm guessing the fact he's carrying an iPad also came into the reckoning.